1. 取消及退款日期计算,将按照收到您书面通知为准。Changes and Cancellation request must be submitted in writing viaemail or fax to Compass Vacation.
2. 报名确认后,不得更改出发日期, 否则作取消论, 需要根据取消条款处理。Tour departure datecan't be changed after the customer has paid
3. 全款收取后价格不再更改。No price changes arepermitted after the customer has paid in full.
4. 取消条款(特价促销期间的退改规定请参考促销通知)If you must cancel, the following charges will apply from the date we are advised of your cancellation in writing, unless otherwise confirmed in your contract.
A:团体出发前31天或以上,取消订位时,每位扣除$100,其余部分退还。Minimum deposit of $100.00 non-refundable per person at the time of reservation.
B.团体出发21-30天前,取消订位时,扣除全部团款的75%,其余部分退还。21–30 days prior to departure, loss of 75% of tour fee per passenger.
C.团体出发前20天及以内,取消订位时,团费恕不退还。Within 20 days,loss of 100% of total price per passenger.
5. 团友需按照预定出发时间提早十五分钟到达预定地点登车。Please be at pre-arranged location 15 minutes prior to departure time.
6. 未在指定地点指定时间参加旅行团的乘客将被视为自动放弃整个行程。No show on the day of departure is 100% non-refundable.
7. 团队出发后,任何提前购买的门票费用,项目费用,餐费恕不退还 。Any pre-purchased tickets, admission, and meal fee are non-refundable.
8. 凡从非我司购买的景点门票(如: 城市City Pass),均不适用于我司旅行团。Admission tickets bought through sellers other than our company (e.g. City Pass) are not applicable to the tours.
9. 请于出发日期前31天付清全款,逾期团位自动取消,订金恕不退还。If full payment not received within 31 days prior to departure, Compass Holidays has the right to cancel reservation with no refund.
10. 住宿房型按照各个酒店自身标准提供,如有特殊需求,我们会为您向酒店提出需求,但不能保证。Your room types are based on hotels' own standards. We can require your needs but not guarantee.
11. 参团者需自行负责及携带有效之旅游证件及签证,有效期以出发日起计不少于六个月。(如需要) Passengers areresponsible for all travel documents validity. (If applicable)
12. 如遇上特殊情况,如恶劣天气, 交通事故等,本公司保留更改或取消行程权利,团友不得异议。 Itineraries are subject to change orcancellation at any time due to any unforeseen conditions, including but notlimited to, adverse weather, traffic problem, etc.
13. 在任何情况及任何地点下失窃,引致遗失金钱及物品,本公司、司机、及导游均不负任何责任,任何财物及证件等团员理应并有责任自行保管。Passengers are responsible to keep and protectyour personal property and personal belongings.
14. 旅游行程,餐厅选择,菜式安排,酒店安排均会因季节、人数等因素调整,由本公司统一安排,本公司保留改变权力,以利团体进行。团友如因个人理由不能享用某一膳食或住宿,本公司恕不做退还。 Compass Vacation reserve the rights tomodify the itinerary, meal plans and hotels without liability. No partialrefund on any unused services.
15. 强烈建议在团队出发前购买旅游保险来防护由于自身的身体或者客观原因等造成的您旅行前或者旅行期间期间自身利益的损失。All passengers are STRONGLY URGED to take ouradequate insurance coverage to protect yourselves against cancellation due toillness prior to or during the travel.
16. 所有旅行团,机票旅行团套餐的价格以购买当日为准,价格变动恕不更改。 Prices or information could be different on your nextwebsite visit or session. We don’t accept price adjustment.
17. 如人数不足以成团,本公司将于出发前5天退还所付全部团费,及不会做进一步赔偿。Minimum of 20 passengers is required forguaranteed departure. Compass Vacation reserves the right to cancel the tourwithin 5 days prior to departure with full refund value of the package pricebooked.